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 Dr. Joey Lam - Veterinary Surgeon

Dr. Joey以一級榮譽畢業於香港城市大學。她一直希望改善流浪動物的福利,因而驅使她踏上獸醫學的道路,更在過程中逐漸培養起對珍禽異獸醫學和野生動物保育的熱誠。Joey閒來喜歡與她的狗玩耍(她也希望能和她的兩隻青蛙玩耍,但蛙蛙們可能不會太欣賞),畫畫和旅行。 

Dr. Joey graduated from City University of Hong Kong with first class honours. Her interest in improving the welfare of stray and shelter animals brought her into veterinary medicine where she slowly developed her passion in exotics medicine and wildlife conservation. In her leisure time, Joey likes to cuddle with her dog (she wishes she could cuddle her frogs too but they probably won’t appreciate it), paint and travel.