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 Dr. Angel Ngo - BVSc

Dr. Angel於2017年在澳洲悉尼大學畢業,現正在皇家獸醫學院修讀獸醫進階證書。畢業後,她在澳洲悉尼皇家防止虐待動物協會實習了一年,負責照顧督察、流浪及私人動物。隨後,她跟隨家人帶同三隻可愛的狗狗回到香港,並在大圍珍禽異獸診所當了兩年急診獸醫。於夜間的急診服務中,她需接觸大量不同種類的動物,如貓、狗及各種珍禽異獸,並需為他們進行緊急醫療步驟及手術。
她現正於一間專科動物醫院及星寵動物醫院服務,同時繼續學習,為她的患者成為更好的自己。成為一位獸醫是她的兒時夢想,見證著她所照料的動物能健康快樂地成長,是沒有其他事情能比得上的。在工餘的時間,Dr. Angel喜歡接近大自然、享受陽光與大海。

Dr. Angel graduated from the University of Sydney, Australia in 2017 and is now working towards CertAVP in Royal Veterinary College.
She then worked at the Sydney RSPCA as a Veterinary Intern for a year, looking after inspectorate, stray and private animals. She then moved back to Hong Kong to her loving family and her three beloved dogs and joined Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital as an Emergency Veterinarian for over two years. Working mainly overnight shifts, she saw a large variety of cases and performed emergency procedures and surgeries in cats, dogs and exotic animals. She is now working in a specialist hospital and Zodiac to build up various skills to be the best version of herself for her patients!
Being a veterinarian was her childhood dream come true. She loves nothing more than helping the animals under her care stay happy and healthy. Off work, Angel adores staying close to the nature, the sun and the sea!