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Lorax Chu



Lorax2020年開始投身於獸醫助護行業,並完成AIRC II課程,使她獲得了作為獸醫助理和寵物主人的寶貴知識。在工餘時間,她喜歡和寵物們一起享受和彈奏樂器。Lorax很高興加入星寵,因為在和諧的工作環境下和的同事一同努力為寵物和主人提供最好的幫助是她和同事們的目標。

Lorax started her career in the animal industry in 2020. Early in her career, she became AIRC II certified.  This helped her  gain valuable knowledge both as a vet assistant and a pet owner. When she is not at work, she spends her time playing musical instruments which all of her pets also enjoy!  Lorax loves being part of the Zodiac family because of the friendly work environment and the tight bond between her and her colleagues who all share the same goal of doing their very best to help every pet and their owner.